Learning the basics of Lacrosse will be one of the most important things you do to take charge of your own success in the sport. It will help make you more competitive and give you a better understanding of the rules and how to play. With this knowledge, you can start to develop your own strategies for success. Having a strong foundation in Lacrosse will also help you identify what skills need improvement and where you should focus on developing those skills. The more knowledgeable you are about the sport, the better chance you have of developing into a great player and leader. Additionally, understanding the rules and regulations of Lacrosse will help keep you from making mistakes that could lead to penalties or ejection from games. Remember, learning the basics of Lacrosse is a critical step for any successful player. Below is the lesson plan for your first four weeks.

Day One
- Introduction to Lacrosse and Equipment
- Cradling
- Passing
- Homework: Cradle At Home For 10 Minutes, 3 times a Day

Day Two
- Language of Lacrosse
- Movement while cradling
- Passing
- Homework: Cradle At Home For 10 MINTES A DAY

Day Three
- Stick Rules and Regulations
- Quick Stick
- Long Passing
- Passing With Movement
- Homework: Watch Lacrosse College Game While Cradling
Day Four
- Integrate Dodging While Cradling
- Long Passing
- Passing With Movement
- Quick Stick
- Homework: Wall Ball for 10-20 mins

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